Database of Manuscript

    The Mission's main aim is to create a database of manuscripts. The database contains information of various kinds on India's manuscripts-titles, themes, authors, commentaries, scripts, languages and much more. 

    Important Note regarding Database

    1. This is the 1st draft/version of the cataloguing format. The version/draft is under revision/review.

    2. One of the prime objectives of releasing data in website is to help scholars in locating the manuscripts preserved in their respective repositories. It aims to create a common Hub/Reservoir by way of assimilating and systematizing lacs of such collections about which scholars knew very little. This holistic approach in a comprehensive manner has been started by Govt. India for the first time after the establishment of the National Mission for Manuscripts. The attempts made earlier by the Institutes or individuals were partial, may be for any reasons. 

    3. Apart from mandatory information, the other related information may sometimes be found apparent and viewers are advised in such cases to contact their respective repositories for their authentic details. We have tried our level best to provide an authentic detail but in spite of our attempts there might be errors crept in abruptly or otherwise. Such errors are under scanning and will be taken care of in our revised version.

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