The National Mission for Manuscripts Governing Committee
    Programme Advisory Committee (PAC)
    With the approval of the  Ministry of Culture (Via Letter F.NO. Akd-25/4/2019-Akad/194 dated 8th April 2021) National Mission for Manuscripts (NMM) has been made an integral part of the Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts (IGNCA) and will function as an independent Division of IGNCA.
    As practiced for other division of the IGNCA, a Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) has been constituted for the NMM as per the details hereunder:
    1. Prof. Kuldeep Chand Agnihotri, Trustee IGNCA, Chairman
    2. Prof. Viroopaksha V Jaddipal, Member
    3. Dr. P Perumal, Member
    4. Prof. Rajneesh Mishra, Member
    5. Director, NMM, Convener

    Special Invitees:

    1. Prof. Dinesh Singh, former VC of Delhi University
    2. Head of the Department (Kala Nidhi), IGNCA
    3. Head of the Department (kala Kosha), IGNCA
    4. Head of the Department (Conservation), IGNCA
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